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Two easy steps to great skin, delivered right to your door every month.

Why a subscription?

Our subscription model saves you time and money. You don’t have to remember to do to the store to order refills. And looking good costs less on a subscription model.

Get into the habit of looking your best with a morning SPF 30 lotion and a night time serum.

With over 25% active ingredients, this is the most potent and efficient non-prescription face program out there.

No BS toners, eye creams, or superfluous extras you don’t need. 

No upsells. No hooks. Cancel any time.

Your first delivery comes with two sleek ManFace units. Future orders deliver airless cartridge refills, which saves you $$$.

Adjust the delivery frequency to your specific needs. 

If you don’t completely lose your shit over how good your skin looks and feels after trying ManFace, send it back for a full refund. You’ll also get free shipping on your first order!


[If you want to geek out on the science behind Man Face, there is plenty of that right here.]